Dialogue Promotion Initiatives

Dialogue is the art of finding the truth in others’ thoughts. Based on this premise, the ICIP organizes dialogue promotion initiatives to promote conversation and listening between people with distant, even opposing, positions.

These cycles bring together influential people in different areas of society and of diverse opinions: young people with positions of responsibility in political parties and social organizations, faculty, and international experts.

These experiences aim to verify the benefits of healthy idea confrontation and test different methodologies for promoting dialogue, which brings together people with plural opinions in different spaces.

These initiatives include the Ágora Project and dialogue cycles with young politicians and secondary school teachers.

Àgora, space for democratic debate

The Àgora project is a meeting place between people from different professions and backgrounds, with different ideological positions, to promote the culture of dialogue, strengthen democracy and structure the country.

Through the shared reading of classic texts, prominent people from Catalonia’s economic, political and social spheres meet in several sessions to reflect on the political and social challenges that condition the current situation in our country and worldwide.

In this way, the project wants to contribute to establishing trusting relationships between people with diverse ideological and political positions, perfecting civic skills, fostering a culture of dialogue, and ultimately strengthening democracy and the backbone of the country.

Àgora is a project promoted jointly by the ICIP, the Center for Contemporary Studies, and the Lluis Coromina Foundation, with the collaboration of the Casa dels Clàssics.

Four editions have been organized, each with a stable group of twenty people.


Last update: 02/08/2024