
She has a degree in Journalism and a postgraduate in Communication of Conflicts and Peace from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Since 2011, she has been a Press and Communication officer at ICIP, where she deals with corporate communication and the management of social networks. She also coordinates the magazine ‘Peace in Progress’.

Before joining ICIP, she worked as a journalist in different media, including Catalunya Ràdio and Catalunya Informació, RAC1, Com Ràdio, Ràdio Estel and VilaWeb. She has also collaborated in the magazine ‘El Temps’ and the TV show ‘Campus 33’ of Television of Catalonia. She has completed several pieces of training from the Observatori de la Cobertura dels Conflictes (Conflict Coverage Observatory), such as the course “Immigration Correspondents. Improving journalistic practice on immigration.”