
Xavier Masllorens has been the President of the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) since July 2016.  He is an activist in social movements and a member of the advisory board of Fundesplai.  He is also a psychologist and a graduate in Business Administration and Management, and in Strategic Marketing.

He was previously the president of FundiPau (Foundation for Peace) and for many years was the director of various social third sector organizations: Oxfam-Intermón, Office of the Ombudsperson of Catalonia, Dincat (Intellectual Disability Catalonia) and Education without Borders.  He was also an aid worker in Bolivia for four years and a high school principal at a charter school.

He has published the following books: Els Objectius del Mil·leni. No hi ha excuses, Intermón Oxfam, 2007; El cinquè poder. La solidaritat activa, Intermón Oxfam, 2004; Dotze germans i Déu, Deriva Editorial, 1993; Guía del factor humano en la organización, Ediciones Club Master 7, 1997.