The Parliament plenary session elected five new members for the ICIP Board of Governors last May 5th, thus complying with the second phase of renewal of the major organ of management of the Institute, which was on hold since 2014. The chamber elected Cécile Barbeito, Carme Colomina, Vicent Martínez Guzmán, Xavier Masllorens and Oscar Mateos, as the Board’s five new members, in substitution for Alfons Banda, Rafael Grasa, Àngels Mataró, Mònica Sabata and Josep Maria Terricabras.
The ICIP Board of Governors, as established by article 6 of ICIP Law 14/2007, is integrated by ten members: seven appointed by Parliament and three designated by the Government. These five new members will constitute the new Board of Governors together with Carme Garcia, Eulàlia Pascual and Manel Vila (designated by Government) and Magda Oranich and Antoni Pigrau (elected by Parliament in November 2013, on the first phase of renewal of the Board).
The current vicepresident, Antoni Pigrau, will assume the presidency of the Institute until the Board appoints a new president, in substitution of Rafael Grasa.
