Four new peace capsules have been revealed today by The International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP). In these one-minute videos, Nieves Gómez, member of the team of Communitarian Studies and Psychosocial Action (Guatemala), M. Assad, from the Syrian-Catalan Free Association, Juan Jerónimo, communitarian chief of Plan de Sánchez (Guatemala), and Gersain Cuetia, from the Association of Indigenous Cabildos of Northern Cauca, answer the question: “What does peace mean to you?”
The audiovisual project Peace Capsules is a coproduction of ICIP and the journalist group Contrast, and it aims at offering a view of the diversity of visions and expectations projected on the word Peace. People from different backgrounds and countries speak out their answer to the question: What is peace to you? According to their own experience living in a country under a conflict situation or to their commitment against war and in favor of peace.
