Beyond clichés, a multifaceted and painful reality
The multiple dimensions of drug related violence
The harmful effects of drug security policies in Mexico
Violence, corruption and organized crime in Venezuela
The overstated role of maras in international drug trafficking
Peace and drugs in Colombia
Materials and resources recommended by the ICIP
The Soundscapes of Social Healing in Colombia
Interview with Orlando Zaccone, police commissioner in Rio de Janeiro
News, activities and publications about the ICIP
ICIP’s President: Xavier Masllorens ICIP’s director: Kristian Herbolzheimer
Number coordinator: Sabina Puig
Electronic magazine coordinator: Eugènia Riera
Participants involved in this number:
Pablo Aguiar, Anna Ayuso, Angélica Durán-Martínez, Olga Guzmán Vergara, Angela J. Lederach, Araceli Manjón-Cabeza Olmeda, Guifré Miquel, Sandra Martínez, Sabina Puig, Eugènia Riera, Roberto Valencia, Alba Valle i Orlando Zaccone.
Cover photo: Marcos Guevara Rivera