The culture of punishment: A critical approach

MAY 2023 - Nº 41


President of the ICIP: Xavier Masllorens Escubós

ICIP Director: Kristian Herbolzheimer Jeppson

Monographic coordinator: Sandra Martínez Domingo

Magazine coordinators: Eugènia Riera Casals and Chema Sarri Romo

The following authors have participated in this number: Noe Ayguasenosa Soro, Teiahsha Bankhead, Rachel V. Brown, Claudia Cesaroni, Paz Francés Lecumberri, Sandra Martínez Domingo, Albert Sales Campos, Clara Serra Sanchez, Paola Zavala Saeb and Howard Zehr

Freelance translations by: Ampersand Traduccions, Tom Hardy, Elisa Vilches and Julie Wark

Cover photo: A white wall with a barbed wire fence. Author: O.C Ritz (Shutterstock). Author: O.C Ritz (Shutterstock

DL: B 17239-2019

ISSN (paper) (Catalan): 2696-9572

ISSN (paper) (Spanish): 2696-9580

ISSN (paper) (English): 2696-9599

ISSN (digital): 2696-9602

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