Diasporas as peacebuilders

JANUARY 2025 - Nº 42


ICIP President: Xavier Masllorens Escubós

ICIP Director: Kristian Herbolzheimer Jeppson

Monographic coordinator: Maria Eugenia Blandón

Magazine coordinator: Eugènia Riera Casals

The following authors have participated in this number: Bahar Baser, Maria Eugenia Blandón, Carmen Geha, Metka Herzog, Zoya Miari, Lisa Ott, Eugènia Riera Casals, Marcelle Shehwaro, Fanny Tittel-Mosser and Mari Toivanen

Translations by: Ampersand Traduccions and Jack Recasens

Cover photo: Movement workshop of the “Cuerpos Gramaticales” activity with the Colombian diaspora in Barcelona, ​​2017. Author: Ingrid Guyon.

DL: B 17239-2019

ISSN (digital): 2696-9602

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