Artistic Creation in Peacebuilding
Can Art Resolve Conflicts, or Does it Live On Them?
Arts and Building Peace: the Basics and Envisioning the Future
Art’s Capacity to Process Traumas
The Artivist Assembly
Art and Culture: Occupy in Order Not to Back Down
“Cuerpos gramaticales”. Live Sculptures in the Ground
Materials and resources recommended by the ICIP
Clues on Trump’s future nuclear policy
Interview with Roberta Bacic, Human Rights Researcher and Collector of Arpilleras
Venezuela: Bad Signs?
News, activities and publications about the ICIP
ICIP’s President: Xavier Masllorens ICIP’s director: Tica Font
Number coordinator: Elena Grau
Electronic magazine coordinator: Eugènia Riera
Participants involved in this number:
Sandra Álvarez Ramírez, Roberta Bacic, Xavier Bohigas, Alex Carrascosa, Cynthia Cohen, Sidnei Ferreira, Teresa de Fortuny, Roser Fortuny, Elena Grau, Marián López Fernández Cao, Salvador Martí, Ramon Parramon, Valdênia Paulino, Eugènia Riera.
Cover photo: UN Photo/Laura Jarriel