Mexico: tracing opportunities for Peace
Pacification and peace building in Mexico
Transitional justice in Mexico?
Depatriarchalise and embody security and peace in Mexico
Indigenous peoples and communities, violence and alternatives of peace
Migrant caravans in Mexico: mass nonviolent mobilisations
From rage to organisation. Mexican youth in the reconstruction of peace
Education for peace in contexts of violence
Materials and resources recommended by the ICIP
Interview with Nashieli Ramírez, President of the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City
News, activities and publications about the ICIP
ICIP’s President: Xavier Masllorens ICIP’s director: Kristian Herbolzheimer
Number coordinators: Sabina Puig, Sandra Martínez
Magazine coordinator: Eugènia Riera
Participants involved in this number:
Gloria Maria Abarca Obregón, Pietro Ameglio Patella, Marc Enzo Belligoi, Cristián Correa, Roser Fortuny, Sonia Herrera, Francisco López Bárcenas, Guifré Miquel, Nashieli Ramirez, Alicia Reynoso, Alberto Solís.
Cover photo: Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos