Where are the missing? Truth and justice for the consolidation of peace
The phenomenon of enforced disappearances in transitions to peace
Truth and denial
The struggle for historical memory in Spain: beyond genealogy and generations
A resilient hug. Relevance of accompaniment in cases of enforced disappearance
Gender impact of enforced disappearances in Syria
Art and culture as processes of healing and memory in Colombia
Don’t forget my name. Disappearing at the border
Libya: disappearing on the way to Europe
Interviews with Nassera Dutour, Gladys Ávila, Yolanda Morán and Edita Maldonado
Materials and resources recommended by the ICIP
News, activities and publications about the ICIP
ICIP’s President: Xavier Masllorens ICIP’s director: Kristian Herbolzheimer
Number coordinators: Sílvia Plana i Sabina Puig
Magazine coordinator: Eugènia Riera
Participants involved in this number:
Gladys Ávila, Theo van Boven, Elisenda Calvet Martínez, Nassera Dutour, Marc Enzo Belligoi, Anna Fleischer, Roser Fortuny, Wael Garnaoui, Marije Hristova, Edita Maldonado, Yolanda Morán, Jack Recasens, Karla Salazar Serna, Corina Tulbure, Alejandro Valderrama Herrera, Josep Ventura, David Viinikka, Karlos Zurutuza.
Cover photo: Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos