ICIP president appears before Parliament
ICIP president Rafael Grasa appeared before the Cooperation and Solidarity Committee of the Parliament of Catalonia on May 4 in order to present ICIP's Annual Activity Report for 2011, and thus render an account of the work done by the Institute in the last few months. The president of ICIP stressed the Institute's "well-known efforts to contain costs" in the present context of economic crisis and budgetary adjustments, and its commitment to fulfill the obligations entered into under the current 2009-2012 Multiannual Plan. Grasa reported that 75% of the intended objectives had been fulfilled in 2011, and he explained that "ICIP is struggling to do the same work with fewer human and material resources."
The spokespeople of the parliamentary groups congratulated ICIP on the work it carries out in the building and promotion of peace in Catalonia. Taking part on behalf of the various groups were Beth Abad (CiU), Núria Segú (PSC), Rafael Luna (PPC), Dolors Camats (ICV-EUiA) and Pere Aragonès (ERC).