New ICIP Publications
ICIP has expanded its book collections with two more publications. On the one hand, the book El valor humà de la pau i altres textos inèdits (ICIP and Angle Editorial) has been published in the collection "Classics of Peace and Nonviolence." This book comprises a selection of texts by Catalan philosopher and pacifist, Lluís Maria Xirinacs, who passed away five years ago. On the other hand, another novelty is the book Noviolència. Història d'una idea perillosa (Nonviolence: The History of a Dangerous Idea) (ICIP and Pagès Editors), by Mark Kurlansky, which is part of the collection "Nonviolence and the Struggle for Peace."
ICIP has recently published the rapporteur's report of the seminar on the International Criminal Court entitled "The Future of the International Criminal Court. Tenth Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the Rome Statute." The report of this seminar, which took place in Barcelona, is part of the collection "Documents and Reports." The ICIP Policy Paper Conflicte regional per l'aigua a l'Àsia Central. Un nou model de relacions energètiques descentralitzades, by Mar Campins and Aurèlia Mañé, and ICIP Bibliographic Dossier Number 6, with a specific session on Colombia, have also been published.