
  • Photo: Tica Font

    Making peace and peacebuilding: the peace process in Colombia from the point of view of Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies

    Rafael Grasa

    Researchers in peace studies, as well as those working on conflict resolution and transformation, have for several decades been applying Johan Galtung’s seminal proposal (from 1968) for dealing with the analysis and the resolution of conflicts, using the ABC triangle. Thus three elements are identified: A, the Attitudes of the actors in the conflict; B, the Behaviour of the actors in the conflict; and C, Contradiction, referring to the contradictions or incompatibilities which explain the dispute, clash or conflict. Some years later, Galtung coined the term peacebuilding, which was subsequently used by the UN in An Agenda for Peace. Read more

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  • Luz Marina Bernal

    Luz Marina Bernal, 'Mother of Soacha' and winner of the 2012 ICIP Peace in Progress Award

    Iolanda Parra

    Luz Marina Bernal, along with four other Colombian women of the group known as the 'Mothers of Soacha', has been declared the winner of the second ICIP Peace in Progress Award, for 2012. The award recognises the struggle for justice of these women, the mothers of youths extrajudicially executed by Colombian security forces, in cases known as "false positives". Read more
