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Making peace and peacebuilding: the peace process in Colombia from the point of view of Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies
Rafael GrasaResearchers in peace studies, as well as those working on conflict resolution and transformation, have for several decades been applying Johan Galtung’s seminal proposal (from 1968) for dealing with the analysis and the resolution of conflicts, using the ABC triangle. Thus three elements are identified: A, the Attitudes of the actors in the conflict; B, the Behaviour of the actors in the conflict; and C, Contradiction, referring to the contradictions or incompatibilities which explain the dispute, clash or conflict. Some years later, Galtung coined the term peacebuilding, which was subsequently used by the UN in An Agenda for Peace.
In depth
Negotiating peace and building peace: the case of Colombia
Sabina Puig and Léonie van TongerenThroughout the last months of 2012, peace talks between the Colombian government and the FARC have brought the peace-building process into the media spotlight. While not entering into an analysis of the content of the negotiations themselves or a strict assessment of the current successes and obstacles, ICIP feels that the broader goals and challenges posed by peace-building in Colombia at this historic time deserve consideration.
Central Articles
Negotiating peace and building peace: lessons learned, with a view to Colombia
Rafael Grasa -
Slow peace or 'express peace': What kind of peace is possible in Colombia?
Jenny Pearce -
Building confidence for peace in Colombia
Virginia M. Bouvier -
Women's contribution to peacebuilding in a polarised country: Colombia. Threats and challenges
Peace Team - CIASE -
The indigenous peoples of Colombia and the peace process
Weildler Guerra Curvelo -
Colombia: A peace with winners and losers? Challenges for human development in the context of peacebuilding
Alejandro Matos
Finding out more
Finding out more
From the wealth of information that can be found on the Internet about peacebuilding in Colombia, we have selected some of the most relevant websites, audiovisuals, journal articles and reports of NGOs and think tanks. (Materials produced by: Rachel Meyer).
Luz Marina Bernal, 'Mother of Soacha' and winner of the 2012 ICIP Peace in Progress Award
Iolanda ParraLuz Marina Bernal, along with four other Colombian women of the group known as the 'Mothers of Soacha', has been declared the winner of the second ICIP Peace in Progress Award, for 2012. The award recognises the struggle for justice of these women, the mothers of youths extrajudicially executed by Colombian security forces, in cases known as "false positives".
Understanding and addressing violence in El Salvador and Honduras
Rachel Meyer -
Twenty years of peace in El Salvador
Manuel Montobbio
CAPMATCH: online platform for exchanging experiences in post-conflict situations
The new online platform called Global Marketplace for Civilian Capacities (in short: CAPMATCH), launched by the UN in September this year, allows both governmental and non-governmental organizations to share post-conflict transition experiences, in order to learn more from policies and peacebuilding strategies which have been put in place so far.
Human Security Report Project, Human Security Report 2012: Sexual Violence, Education, and War: Beyond the Mainstream Narrative, (Vancouver: Human Security Press, 2012)
What we know about wartime sexual violence and the impact of war on education is sometimes flat-out wrong. That is the conclusion of the Human Security Report 2012, which is full of surprising, often counter-intuitive, findings on global and regional trends in armed conflict.
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