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    A look at the decade's peace and security agenda

    For centuries, the main problem of the international community, which is based on the sovereignty of states and non-interference, has been the management of armed violence by means of various formulas - some more highly regulated than others - for controlling armed conflicts. The agenda has gradually become more complicated and diversified. Read more

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    Philosophy for caring. A co-educational proposal for peace

    Irene Comins Mingol. Filosofía del cuidar. Una propuesta coeducativa para la paz. Barcelona: Icaria, 2009

    The starting point of the author's work is the concept of cultures for making peaces as developed by the Chair in Philosophy for Peace at Universitat Jaume I in Castellón, which stresses the human capacity for mutual help, solidarity and care, and the various ways in which human beings cultivate relationships between each other and with nature. Among the various human skills for making peace, Irene Comins highlights caring and proposes using care and tenderness as human abilities for living in peace. Read more

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    International Crisis Group (ICG)


    "Why had it been so difficult for the international system to effectively respond to Bosnia and other conflicts?” – The question posed by the institute’s founders on a plane out of war-torn Sarajevo in 1993, which sparked the idea that eventually lead to the creation of one of the world’s most respected conflict- assessment, warning and resolution institutions. Read more

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